Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Cleaning Day

Today, Don and I spent several hours getting the RV in tiptop condition. After living in it fo 3 months, it was due a thorough cleaning (we have been doing regular cleaning but not an inside/outside, top to bottom cleaning): windows, blinds, floors, all woodwork polished, cabinets and drawers straightened. The rest of the day was spent riding bikes and enjoying neighbors.

While riding bikes, we witnessed a sad situation. A man who had lost half of his foot had to be taken to the hospital via rescue squad; he fell and damaged that foot and leg. Later today, a taxi brought him back to his RV; however, he was so unsteady and weak that he fell in the yard again. Several of the men tried to help him up but, because of his size (300+ pounds), he wouldn't allow anyone to help him thinking if he may pull then down as well. He was trying so hard to get up. Finally, the men pushed a picnic table over to him so that he could use it to help himself get up. His crutches were inside the RV and he couldn't get the door opened. Don was able to get it open and his mom brought his crutches. We often forget how fortunate we are. All it takes is a moment witnessing something like this and we remember to be thankful for our blessings. I ask that you remember this young man in your prayers this night and thank God for your blessings.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Time to Travel

We have enjoyed our stay in Florida so much this year, I think better than any other year! But, now the time is drawing near to travel North. I have missed my family and friends at home and will soon be missing our Northern friends. Many are already home but they have been staying in touch with us.
Tomorrow, Don will wash the RV while I start putting away some of the "stuff" inside. I have definitely bought too much on this trip! I always buy clothes for the grands but that eats up a lot of my space.

Wednesday, I will probably play Bingo one last time in the village and bid adieu to those friends there. A trip to Walmart, a few meals out, and we will wave at the friends who are still here. Most of our friends will be on their way by the 10th and 11th. See you folks at home soon.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Busy Time before Easter

It has been hot and muggy in Southwest Florida this weekend; however, the fun has continued. Many friends and neighbors departed the first day of the month, including my brother. Now, there are only about 60 RVs left in the park! Our attendance at church today was really affected by this grand exit; yet, Pastor Jon gave an excellent sermon before having communion! He is a wonderful pastor, so caring of his flock. His messages always touch my heart and soul and I believe that I am a better person/Christian just by listening to his words. He preaches the Word of God with clarity and simplicity thus making sermons interesting for all. He and his family are on their way soon to visit their oldest child and his family in Texas (they are now new grandparents).

Friday, 4 of us went shopping at Razzle Dazzle and I was able to find my outfit to wear to my great niece's wedding. I was so pleased to finally have that chore taken care of. I was even able to find some shoes to wear! Now, I won't have to worry about that after I get home. I was also able to find a gift that I thought she might enjoy having. Overall, our weekend was wonderful.

We will take a brief sightseeing trip tomorrow morning and early afternoon and try to get back here by mid afternoon to take care of some things that need to be done before we head North. Our plan is to leave Thursday and arrive there on Sunday. I need to get back and practice our Easter Cantata. Time is running out since Easter is just around the corner.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Stormy Weather

The weather is Florida is getting too warm: 86 today and 88 for the rest of the week. Should I complain? I'm guessing not since it's cold and icy at home. We had very heavy rains last night; yet, they were badly needed here. Water is being rationed by homeowners: water lawns twice a week; Golf course greens are becoming golf course browns; canal in the village is now dry; and, restaurants only serve a glass of water upon one's insistence. Perhaps, since it rained all night and is scheduled to have scattered showers all day, the restrictions will become lighter.

Yesterday was a quiet day in the park with many leaving and others staying in until later in the afternoon when the day became a little cooler. some of us then walked around the park (I was able to get my 1 1/2 miles walking in) and visited with friends along the way. With many going North Wednesday, we are trying to enjoy every minute. We never know who will be able to return next year. We are praying for good health and safe summers for everyone. Though the weather is stormy today, the disposition of the snowbirds is sunny! Hope yours is too!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happenings from the RVs

Today, some of the ladies went to the off Broadway play, "The Church Basement Women: The Sequel". Hilarious! Two years ago, the first of the Church Basement Women played and was such a hit that a sequel was written. The acting was superb and the music was very entertaining. I highly recommend it to all my lady readers especially; there were quite a few men there today but I didn't ask any of them if they enjoyed it. I did see some of them laughing though. Two years ago, after we arrived home, I learned that the play was presented in Greensboro. Several of the writers/directors, etc. are actually from Greensboro, NC. It has played all over the country I understand.

One of our nice neighbors celebrated his 79th birthday today and his wife planned a cookout in his honor. Many of our neighbors were invited to this gathering so it's been an exciting day for us. Next week, we are invited to another neighbor's surprise birthday buffet at the restaurant across the street. I'm looking forward to that one too. We still have many vacancies in the park tonight, 70 total. That number will probably increase on March 31 and April 1. Many folks aren't going home, only moving slowly North. 2 of the RVers though, are headed West to Texas for another month. We will miss them when they depart.

My grandson celebrated his 8th birthday today and I miss seeing him. I know he is enjoying his weekend camping with some of his friends. He is such a sweet boy! I wish for all of you wonderful grandchildren!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dissatisfaction everywhere

Another week is almost behind us and time to end our winter-long vacation is coming to a close. Tonight, there are 68 vacant sites in the park! More are leaving every day. Some of our friends have become disheartened with the park administration and are choosing not to return to our park; this action is making us sad as well but we plan to return if the Lord's willing. Rent prices are increasing, electric costs are rising, and of course the price of fuel in RVs is also escallating much too quickly. The snowbirds do a lot to boost the economy in Florida and it's our feeling that these people should quit trying to gouge us by charging more and more. Four of our closest friends are moving to another park about 3 miles away; that's close but it won't be the same with them gone. There are a total of 16 more campers who say they are not returning. We probably won't know the truth of it until we return next January though.

The location of our park is so perfect for shopping, etc., so we don't plan on leaving next year. Then we will have to see what the next year(s) hold.
Ohio friends are leaving tomorrow morning; all of us will be up to wave them off. They are both in their upper 80's; pray they make it home safely and are able to return next year. God bless all His children!

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Classics

What a wonderful night we had tonight. Several of us ladies enjoyed a concert provided by Emil Stucchio and The Classics. In case you don't remember them, a couple of their #1 hits were "Till Then" and "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me". They became very popular in 1959. Two of the original are still wonderful performers; the third one is no longer able to travel and have been replaced by Teresa McLean, a hit in and of herself in New York. Keep a watch on her because she already has a #8 song in New York; she did the hit, "Till".

More of our friends will be leaving this week, two families heading to Pennsylvania. We will sorely miss them just as I do my friends and family back home.